Hi, It’s me, I’m the problem, it’s me!
I have been wanting to start a Blog page for going on 3 years now…..and well here we are. Better late than never right???
First off thanks for being here. My goal with this blog is of course to help educate you on everything nails but to also use this as a way to share some of my thoughts on sisterhood, motherhood, self-care and everything in between.
A little about me, my name is Julie Long, I am married to my husband Michael, and a Mom of three, two girls ( 7 and 5 ) and a boy (3). The self care I once knew and enjoyed years ago, I missed dearly. Scheduling time for myself these days, simultaneously came with a lot of stressful planning and often regret. I quickly realized that the days I was able to put a little TLC into myself, were the days that I was the best version of myself. It’s amazing how a simple pop of color on my nails completely lifted my mood on those days when I felt worn out. I instantly felt more polished and presentable (even though I knew I was far from that).
I created The Beautufful Company in 2019 after my niece was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor. She often chose to have her nails painted during her recovery. The smile and joy it brought to her face confirmed for me that even in a time of uncertainty and darkness having some color on your fingernails can truly brighten your day. So whether your a tired Mom, a college student, whether your 4 or 104, the feeling a pretty manicure does for everyone is the same. It brings you joy, it lifts you up.
I have made it my mission to continue to spread that feeling of joy. With every purchase of our product we pay it forward and give another woman or young girl a bright sparkling Tuff As Nails Manicure to help brighten their day as well.
When The BeauTUFFul Company was born, I wanted it to be more than just a manicure. I wanted to build a community of like-minded TUFF women, who not only adore beautiful fingernails, appreciate simplicity, but also have a desire to lift one another up. We are all going through similar battles, hurdles, and obstacles in life. Let’s be honest the days can be TUFF, but there is something so beautiful about lifting others up and making others feel beautiful along the way.
We are A Manicure on a Mission, The Nail Wrap that Gives Back. Thank you so much for your support, for helping make a difference, for loving our manciures & for being a part of our TUFF community.